Health, Safety Environment, Quality and Knowledge Management Policy


  • To provide direction in areas of importance to all those involved to day to day operations.
  • To establish the foundation of common culture and behavior among company employees.


Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Knowledge Management Excellence- Objective

The Company is committed to manage and continually improve health, safety, environmental, quality and knowledge management performance with the overall goal to safeguard people, environment, property and process, not compromising on quality. We will:

  • Strive to achieve zero spills at sea or releases to the environment and zero incidents.
  • Comply with mandatory rules and regulations, taking into account codes, guidelines and standards from maritime organizations
  • Strive to achieve Reduction in Permitted Emissions
  • Strive to minimize the environmental impact of operations
  • Strive to ensure that our activities, have a positive impact on health, safety and the environment
  • Operate our offices and vessels, taking into consideration the efficient use of energy and material minimizing adverse environmental impacts and waste generation
  • Ensure safe and responsible disposal of residual wastes
  • Undertake initiatives to encourage company employees, to accept increasing responsibilities for health, safety, environmental and quality performance of their delegated tasks
  • Set out goals, targets and means to drive continual improvements in policy excellence, measuring achievements against targets set
  • Deliver our services in accordance with clients’ expectations and conduct business with integrity and reliability
  • Perform internal work with due regard to the health and safety of shore and shipboard personnel
  • Share knowledge and promote best practices across the fleet
  • Continuously maintain well trained, motivated and competent staff
  • Encourage and support career and continuous professional development for company employees
  • Systematically learn from shipping industry practices and ensure that our performance meets our expectations



The policy shall be communicated to and understood by all employees through:

  • Senior management commitment to implementing the integrated management system
  • Shore- based and ship- based management teams conducting internal training and management reviews
  • Leadership and sound management practices promoting safety and environmental excellence
  • Regular vessels’ inspections
  • Feedback promotion
  • Follow ups to ensure improvement in performance at all areas
  • Evaluation of personnel understanding and of our activities