About: epctank.com
European Navigation Inc. was established in 1979. Historically the group has owned and managed an average fleet of about 35 vessels spanning from chemical tankers to VLCC’s and handysize to large VLOC’s / Capesize bulkcarriers. The company today manages a fleet of about 1.000.000 DWT. The fleet currently consists of two DP2 Suezmaxes shuttle tankers that were built at STX (Korea), four LR2 tankers and eight MR tankers all built between 2001 and 2005 and three small tankers for the domestic Greek market built between 2004 and 2006. The company throughout its history has followed a conservative expansion strategy and currently has an orderbook for five MR tankers at STX in Korea for delivery end 2014 and early 2015.
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